Ella Solutions was founded in January 2012 by Stella Nakatudde. to cover the customization gap in the development of IT solutions.

The initial services were software development and data analysis but have since evolved to include website development, business statistics and IT risk management. In 2015, Ella Solutions was incorporated and renamed Ella Solutions Limited.

Our goal is to empower businesses in Uganda and East Africa to scale by increasing efficiency in their production and marketing.

Through customized software development, website development, statistics and IT risk management, the company  focuses on delivering the following business solutions;

Customized websites for businesses to showcase their products/services, meet and engage with customers

Customized business software for efficient product and/or service delivery

Harnessing statistics to inform and drive business decisions

Enabling businesses profitably manage their IT Risks

The leading provider of customized and optimized websites, business software, statistical consulting and IT risk management to MSMEs in Uganda

To accelerate the digital transformation of MSMEs in Uganda and scale their marketing, production, and service delivery through customized and optimized IT solutions


We maintain the highest level of integrity by keeping our promise to clients and stakeholders, maintaining open communication lines and abiding by the governing laws and regulations.


We serve our clients with unswerving attention in order to deliver timely tailored solutions. We believe that commitment to our clients is the vessel to their growth and lasting business relationships.


Ella Solutions offers a unique combination of creativity, the latest technology and the client’s vision to develop, implement and maintain fine solutions for her clients.

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